Let's Meet
Personal notes
Who are we
We are a legal documentation computer typing service provider company serving many satisfied customers. Our customers are well-known advocates and / or anyone else who belong to the legal field.
Our Journey started in the year 2003, and over the years we have grown into a full-blown business. We are extending our Desk Top Publishing typing service with a special emphasis on legal support typing service and solutions.
We provide a variety of services which are not limited to Drafting, Typing, Translating and much more. We have earned our customers very proudly within the region by providing value to our customers.

cups of coffee
Past Experience
Cloud bread flannel poke, flexitarian vinyl iPhone church-key shaman williamsburg kitsch beard.
Digital Ocean
I was a lead developer in Digital Ocean from 2015-2019
I was a lead developer and senior consultant in Uber from 2015-2019
I served as support assistant in Telegram from 2013-2017